This little freebie hunter is hard awork at shifting through the masses of swag she's aquired. 4 valentine hunts and assorted freebies in two days. I'm exhausted!Let's recap.
The grid wide hunt began on Saturday. My plan was to work my normal shift...

...yes. There is a bouncehouse in the middle of the club. My boss is as bad a freebie collector as I am! Then I'd get dressed and chill in my new house (yes sometimes it takes me that long to dress...I know. It's shameful) and then head out to the starting point. At one o'clock I clenched the insturctions in my trembling fingers and set off like mad around the SL grid. Now as any veteran freebie hunter will tell you, things can get ugly on freebie hunts. They are becoming increasingly well publicized. In my admitedly limited experience, around 30 people and a sim will begin to lag. Around 60 people start having trouble getting in. Somewhere between 65 and 70 anybody who tries to enter gets bounced...

or sucked into the vortex of crashiness.
There's 1500 people on the Free*Style group list. All of us trying to snag as much loot as we can stuff into our bangled arms and carry on our stilletoed heels. You get the idea.
Well While I dive through my pile let me show you some of my favorite items so far.

First a lovely pair of earrings from Caroline's Jewelry. When I first put these on I ws faberglasted at the awesome quality. It's all primwork.
It's a clean, simple design that I'm sure will prove its versatility long agter the holiday has ended. Bravo Carlonie Apollo!

I love this look because it taps into my latent punky side!
Hair: Phaedra-Black (Philotic Energy)It's a clean, simple design that I'm sure will prove its versatility long agter the holiday has ended. Bravo Carlonie Apollo!

I love this look because it taps into my latent punky side!
Oufit: HeartBreaker (Reaction Gir)
Necklace: DS Triple heart Sculpt neck lace (DS during the La Reina hunt)
Gloves: Broken Heart gloves (Vitamin Ci)

My favorite look so far.
Ooh I feel like having a night on the town! Or...going to hunt more freebies. See you on the hunt.
Dress: Round And Aboutton Rose Heart (Veschi. Part of the La Reina heart hunt)
Shoes: AC Serenity (Aphrodite Creations. Freebie from New Shoots II)
Shoes: AC Serenity (Aphrodite Creations. Freebie from New Shoots II)
Ooh I feel like having a night on the town! Or...going to hunt more freebies. See you on the hunt.
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