3:58 PM

Ethics ahoy?

     The dreaded skewl has kept me away from my beloved blog, but rest assured dears, my eyes and ears are still to the pavement. Recently there has been some question of ethical blogging. Specifically, is it ok for a blogger to accept payment as an incentive to review. First off let me that I don't get paid for my blogs. I suppose technically I am given review copies because the things I do review are usually free, but then again they are usually freebies ^_^.
   As a poor college student I usually don't have the money to spend thousands of linden acquiring cutting edge fashion to review. I've long since made my piece with that. That is why I began to blog freebies and my experiences. In fact, in the near year I've roamed the haunted shores of SL, I have become a connoisseur of freebies. I'm incredibly proud of the fact that I can walk into a room and look just as good (if not better) as every other avatar, for pennies on the linden. 

     Now since I'm at the bottom of the proverbial blog barrel, its easy for me to speculate as to how I would behave if I were among the "blogging elite". First off, I wouldn't expect to receive monetary compensation. Capitalism is all well and good, but the idea of having my opinion bought and paid for just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. However, I would eagerly and gladly take review copies within reason. I suppose I look at review copies the same way I look at freebie hunts; they are symbiotic relationships. The blogger gets a shot at being one of the first to review a new item, the designer gets press, both of them get a chance to start the tide of an SL fashion craze. Review copies, freebies, and hunts are all part of the swarm to create publicity. As such there are some simple rules of etiquette that do apply, but are all too often left by the wayside.

Just my two cents. See you on the hunt.